About Flip Flops In Kyiv


Why This Web site is here

Flip Flops In Kyiv is a story that I'm sure has never been told, as only about 150 surrogate births in Ukraine occur every year.  I'm also pretty sure that most of the people who have gone through this are smarter than I am, at least when it comes to surrogacy births, having twins, having twins in Eastern Europe, getting those twins home to the United States, ordering food at a restaurant in Ukrainian... the list goes on.  

I've always been a storyteller, and I think the story of how our boys came about is all at once humorous, stressful, sad at times, terrifying at others and absolutely never boring.  I want to put this Web site out there so people can familiarize themselves with some of the background info relating to the book I'm writing.  Some of these stories will be in the book, while others will not.  That's still a work in progress.

In the meantime, I hope you'll take a look at this Web site, read the blog regularly and check back for updates on the publication of the full book.  Below you'll find links to some of the characters who will appear in the book.  Get to know them as well.

The Author

My Wife

My Daughter

The Fellas

Thank you for stopping by.